آموزش آنلاین
کسب درآمد
افزایش شانس استخدام
خانه پروژه ها برنامه نویسی پروژه برنامه نویسی ساده در ری اکت

پروژه برنامه نویسی ساده در ری اکت

۲,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان
۵,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ تومان
زمان پیشنهادی
۱ روز
کامل شده
ثبت پیشنهاد روی پروژه
ثبت پروژه مشابه
یک پروژه ساده برنامه نویسی هست سوالات و باگهایی داره که باید حل بشه: Question: Mr Little Z has multiple spaceships in his spaceport, and he finds it hard to keep track of them. He has built a web application to help him find the best spaceship for the job each day. For maximum efficiency, Mr Little Z would like to be able to filter his spaceships on the following attributes: ● Colour ● Pulse laser ● Average speed He also wants to be able to share the URL with other people so that the filters are applied on the first load. Unfortunately, Mr Little Z is not an Engineer and hasn’t built his app very well and is also missing some key features from his app. He needs you to finish the app for him. He needs you to: ● Build the average speed filter. This should be able to filter by: ○ Less than ○ Greater than ○ Between ● Load filters from the URL on first load of the app ● Find and fix any bugs in the existing code ● Refactor any code you think could be done more efficiently Things we want to see: ● Build your filter component from scratch (please do not use a UI component library, like MUI or AntD) ● Creative design of component ● Clean self documenting code ● Ability to spot and fix bugs ●Sensible re factoring to the code

مشاهده جزئیات پیشنهادهای این پروژه
گزارش تخلف
ثبت پیشنهاد روی پروژه
ثبت پروژه مشابه
پروژه را با دوستان خود به اشتراک بگذارید
کپی لینک
کارلنسر را در شبکه های اجتماعی دنبال کنید
شماره تماس ۲۸۴۲۶۴۴۳ ۰۲۱
آدرس ایمیل info@karlancer.com